Oct 11, 2011

Two Tutus for Two

I have been following a little gray's Oliver + S Sewalong.  You should too! This month is the Bias Trimmed Apron
It's not on the list but I thought I would share this anyway.  I made two tutus for a friend's twin girls birthday. (Gees that sounded confusing)
I made a bit of a toned down version.  Not quite as many layers as the pattern called for.
But I think they still turned out very sweet.

I had one folded layer plain and one folded layer all sparkly. Oooo Pretty.

After I finished there was glitter ....everywhere.

But I do love them.  And the glitter was worth it.  I think the purple one was my favourite.
I will definitely give them another whirl.  


  1. they are so cute and the girls just love them! they wore them to school for dress up day.

  2. Where did you get the instructions for the tutus? Those are absolutely adorable! I have two granddaughters that would love those!
